Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That Was Fast!

So we were supposed to get these huge storms that could possibly produce tornadoes and powerful wind gusts. So I turn on the news around four so I could watch the weather and prepare myself for what was too come. Yes, what they were showing on the radar did look nasty. It was to hit us and be out of the area around six. I go and move our trash cans to the side of the house and close the garage door and not five minutes later our house is hit by torrential wind and massive amounts of rain. Its lasts a total of 2-3 minutes. After the storm passed we were left with our patio furniture and Grisham basketball hoop rearranged in the backyard. In my younger crazier days (before kids) I just loved storms. I loved the intensity, the lightening, the thunder. Just about it all. Now after kids, this is my favorite part.

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