Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just To Make You Smile

I have a bunch of photos of the kids being silly, playing and hanging out. Scott and Grisham in the chair talking to Papa Jay. Genevieve on the floor playing with her blankie. Sophia LOVING her mac and cheese. Brenner hanging out in the bouncy. Grisham and Sophia "sharing" the chair. Grisham in his new hide out...the book shelf. And finally, Grisham got this batman head for trick or treating next year. All Halloween stuff 50% off :) For now it is his new car carrying case. This thing goes everywhere with him. It sits with him in the chair and it goes to bed with him too.

1 comment:

chris and diane said...

i love how much grisham looks like scott and genevieve looks like you!! that is so cute!