Monday, March 31, 2008

36 Weeks

I just had my 36 week doctors appointment. Good news. I am dilated to 1 1/2 centimeters. A good start. The plan is to induce labor on the 19th or 20th. Normally I would just wait it out until the baby comes on its own but with Scott's crazy schedule and also not having family around makes inducing more attractive. Scott was able to arrange vacation the 21-25. So he will be by my side when the baby is born. The doctor says that everything looks good and he has no problem inducing a week early. Grisham's birth went so well I hope this one is similar. I am now getting nervous about the birth. My friend Diane said that she was more scared the second time around because she knew what was going to happen. Now that the birth is looming before me I am a little nervous. I am comforted in knowing that both Scott and my mom will be present at the birth. My dad and sister Sarah will happily wait outside the room during the birth. Scott's parents will come out a few days after the baby is born and then I have five whole weeks of maternity leave. I am so excited to have that time with my family.

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