Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boom Boom Boom

Last night was a very scary night here in Columbus. We had a tornado warning. At 11:45 I woke to the sound of the sirens. I always wondered whether we would be able to hear the sirens at night. Well I sure can. Anyway, I woke Scott and we looked out our bedroom window, which faces south. Nothing. Then we went into Genevieve's room which faces north. I kid you not. This was the most scary ominous lightening I have ever seen. I swear I saw a funnel cloud. We turned the tv on and the storm was just north of us in Hilliard. I think the one thing that frightened me the most was the stillness of everything. The storm quickly moved east leaving a ton of rain and lots of wind. I couldn't go back to sleep after it past. The thunder and lightening kept me awake most of the night. I kept thinking to myself "Can we get the kids and dogs into the basement if a tornado really did hit us?" So no sleep for me. Believe it or not both kids slept through the whole storm. Lucky me, we are to have repeat storms tonight.


Mary said...

It was a really bad storm! Leah couldn't sleep through it so I didn't sleep through it either.

the4bulls said...

I am deathly afraid of thunder and lightning - so I am glad my kids slept through...because I did not want them to see me so scared!