Friday, January 14, 2011


Ok so here is my dilemma. To Facebook or not to Facebook? I have decided that FB can and probably does take up too much of my time. I mean it is crazy how obsessive I can get with it and it is starting to bother me. I was first introduced to the crazy world of wanting and needing to know every ones business by Blogger. Blogger was a great way to help the family see pictures of the kids. I have been enjoying my blog for three years:) And then I was introduced to Facebook (thanks Carrie, Erin and Janessa!). All of a sudden I am able to find people that I knew years ago. I mean now I had the ability to make up for all of those years and it just got down right addictive to see what people were posting. Now I must say that I am very proud that I never got into the whole Twitter thing. I draw the line there!! So now I have come to a point where FB has lost its great appeal and now I think we have to break up. I could spend more time with my first love, The House of Hinze. I think my real issue is that on FB I can load 30 pictures at once and be done in a matter of minutes. Blogger can take me hours to post my pictures. I have never been one to only post a couple pictures. I have to post at least 10 and when they get up into 20 -30 it can take me days to post. I wish blogger would let my upload more than one picture at a time!! So, I have been going back and forth on this issue. To Facebook or not to Facebook? What do you think?


the4bulls said...

yes - is one of my only communications with you!!! I like commenting and seeing your comments for me :-)

Ashli said...

This is something that I have been struggling with as well, although not quite in such a black and white way. I agree with you that FB takes up way too much of my time, but that is my own fault as it is a habit more than anything. I notice that as time goes on, I'm much less obsessed with it than I used to be. My question right now is whether or not to edit. I truly appreciate FB for a few reasons, one being that I can keep in touch with the people who I am unable to talk to on a regular basis due to time or distance, but also because I can post a status when my child is sick and know that I will get prayers and support from friends and family without having to call dozens of people. I have also found that I have reconnected with several people from HS and college that I truly missed, and have enjoyed catching up with them. My editing thing comes from the fact that other than family there are maybe 40-50 people out of 400+ that I am actually interested in interacting with on a constant basis, and under 50 more that I consider a "Christmas card" friend (as in someone that I want to talk to once or twice a year.) I think though what I will do is just go through and hide statuses to cut down on the time I spend on it. Angie said it best in that you don't want to burn an unnecessary bridge since you never know when you will need someone to be a part of your life. Good luck!